When Servants started serving this family, they lived a couple of blocks from where we live now.  Mirna and her two children were living with Mirna’s sister because her husband left her to be with another woman.  Not too long after we got to Guatemala, they moved.  Mirna and her ex-husband purchased a small piece of land about 30 minutes away as it was cheap and they wanted to secure an inheritance for their two (then) small children.  Since then, we have witnessed them grow not just physically, but spiritually was well!

When we first met them, Mirna did not allow us to talk to her about God.  She was very closed off and we think she was angry at God for the situation they were in.  Even though she sternly claimed to be a strict Catholic, she never went to church.  The kids wanted to learn more about God so a Guatemalan that worked with us at the time would use tutoring sessions to teach them when he could.

Through being constant in our visits with them and showing God’s love to this family regardless of how they treated us, they slowly began to trust us and learn that we are here to stay.  Being through a rough abandonment crisis, their hearts were hardened to anyone else that came along.  Now they not only allow us to talk about God, but they ask us to pray for them and even call us for prayer even when we are not there!  Missy and Michy (in the yellow shirt above) have been doing a bible study with Carmen and Mirna and revealing to them that God loves them despite the hurt they feel and their poverty.  Mirna and Carmen have begun to sense a change in their hearts and they seem to be hungry for more!

Please continue to pray for this family and for Jesus to give us wisdom in how we can serve them, love them, and help them have a deeper relationship with him.

Click the picture to learn more about how you can be a part of their lives!



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