Some of you might have recently noticed our new logo on our Facebook page:
But, as with all logos, you might be wondering what exactly it represents. We would like to explain it to you, family, friends, and supporters so you have a complete idea of what it represents.
The Guatemalan map outline is to represent the country in which God has called us to serve. This is quite simple, but in case you have never seen a map of Guatemala here it is in the picture above! Next is the cross. The cross doesn’t necessarily represent a specific church, but the Body of Christ, as the collective church of believers in Jesus. The hands represent our uniting with Guatemalans to help their own communities. If you remember our vision:
Uniting with local churches to establish Christlike communities.
Our goal is not to do the work for Guatemalans, but with Guatemalans in order to help them achieve the goals that God has given them for their communities. The hands in the picture are those of me and Jon, the local missionary we work closely with in order to facilitate this.
If you are curious as to why we chose a light blue background, it is to add a little color to our logo while at the same time better representing Guatemala as this is the color found on their flag:
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