Ok everyone, we owe you an apology. When we found our new home I was so excited to show the pictures and share the story that I did it on facebook that very night!! I had every intention of doing a blog post later that week for those of you who aren’t on facebook but I forgot. Thankfully, I was reminded about this when we were Skyping with friends the other night and they asked if we found a house yet.
So the answer is yes, we have found a house and it’s a HUGE blessing!! Back in March our friend and ministry co-worker, Jon, came across a garage sale as he was out one day. He stopped to see if he could find anything for his new apartment and he got to talk to Esperanza, the lady who owns the house. He found out that she was selling her things because she is moving to the U.S. to live with some of her children. Remembering that we were looking for a place to live Jon asked Esperanza if she was selling the house or renting it. She told him she was going to try to rent it and he told her he knew of good people who were looking to rent a house and would take good care of the house. He called us right away and told us about the house and it sounded wonderful. We arranged to visit Esperanza when we were in Villa Nueva for Easter weekend. We prayed and knew if this was the house God wanted for us He would work everything out.

Looking into the garage and front yard from the front gate. Now we just have to find a car to put in that garage!
When we pulled up to the house that weekend and looked around at everything my first thought was “this is SO beautiful and it’s huge there is NO WAY we will be able to afford this.” BUT GOD knew differently. As we talked with Esperanza we found out that she really likes and appreciates what we are doing in Guatemala and she told us she is able to rent the house to us for a price within our monthly rent budget!!

Our beautiful front yard…thankfully the rent includes a gardener to take care of all this stuff because neither of us have a green thumb and I’d hate to kill all this beauty!!

Looking out the back door to the storage building and our back porch! Also, the area where we can hang our clothes to dry!
The house is beautiful, it has 3 bedrooms plus an office so it’s spacious enough that we will be able to host teams for the Serving At Risk Families ministry until Servants has a ministry center. It also is in the perfect location being only 10 minutes from Linda Vista where we will be working with Pastor Jorge and City of Refuge Church and it’s less than 5 minutes from where Jon lives and very near the families we work along side with the Serving At Risk Families Ministry. Esperanza also is willing to hold the house for us until we are done language school in July! We will be meeting this coming weekend June 15th to sign our lease and finalize all the paperwork!

The back porch with a grill that she is leaving for us to use! Dylan is so excited to grill again and I’m so excited to eat the food he grills again..lol

The kitchen with the stove that they are leaving for us to use! We just had to buy a refrigerator which God provided at a decent price from another missionary who is going back to the U.S.

One of my favorite parts…the wash room with a washing machine that she is leaving us! I’m SOOOO happy I don’t have to wash our clothes in the pila!!
Thank you all for praying with us for a home! We feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful place that is perfect in so many ways and will be a place for people to stay while they come to Guatemala and Serve At Risk families. We are excited to see how God uses this home to continue His ministry in Guatemala.
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4 Responses
wonderful how perfectly God provides!!!
Aunt Cille
We will repost later with the actual link to the post. Dylan’s technical prowess has been lacking lately lol
Talk about curb appeal, wow!