Listen in as Dylan shares a recent encounter with Walter, the board president in Guatemala.
This week, while Dylan was in Guatemala with a team, he had the privilege of preaching […]
Here's a brief synopsis of what MIssy learned during her leave of absence and how she will be serving moving forward in Uniting 2 Serve.
Some of you already know Dylan had to fly to Guatemala unexpectedly last month. Here’s the […]
We’ve been on the go and traveling a lot lately but here is a recap of […]
After Dylan walked you through what we currently have in Guatemala (see last week’s video first […]
This episode is a walk through of the land we are currently renting. It is where […]
In this episode of our VLOG we have a few exciting meetings and are reminded of […]
In this episode, Missy shows us where she is finishing up her internship requirements and Dylan […]
Yep, you read that right! Dylan busts through the roof back in Guatemala and Missy talks […]