A few weeks ago Dylan and I got to be part of one of the biggest blessings you can experience as a Christian and missionary. One of the young ladies who started coming to our church in Guatemala through the Celebrate Recovery program was baptised after surrendering her life to Jesus a few months ago.
I still remember the day she walked into Celebrate Recovery (CR). It was in the very beginning, I was still in the stages where I felt COMPLETELY out of my element every single day (as opposed to now when I only feel COMPLETELY out of my element about every other day…lol) and I had been praying for God to bring new women to CR that he knew needed to come to know him and receive healing. This day in particular one of the women who had been coming for several weeks and who had already rededicated her life to the Lord brought her daughter. She was so excited for me to meet her daughter and I was excited because this was the first time I had a young adult there. I’ve always felt that the earlier you can get started in CR the better because you can get healed from your junk before you make a bunch of bad decisions in life so I was really excited for this young lady who I came to find out is named Monica.
Since that first day Monica has grown by leaps and bounds in her relationship with the Lord. She is now a regular attender of our church and brings all 3 of her younger sisters even if her mother has to work and can’t bring them (which is most Sundays). A few months ago Monica surrendered her heart to the Lord and shared with the church leadership that she wanted to be baptised. So the pastor led her through a class that he gives to people before he baptises them so that they are sure they understand the commitment they are making. Monica was one of the 2 people who finished the class and moved forward into baptism.
So in December Monica took this amazing step of faith and was baptised in the name of Jesus Christ! Please join us in continuing to pray for Monica and her family. Please also join us in praising the Lord for counting us all trustworthy to serve Him in this way in Guatemala. I say WE because the Lord has joined you and us as a team all doing our part to bring others closer to Jesus. It is moments like this that I just sit back and marvel at the Lord’s amazingness. Despite all the struggles of missionary life such as…living in another country, missing family, dealing with frequent illnesses that we don’t normally deal with in the states and all the other trials…I can honestly say it is worth is to just play a small part in seeing this sweet young girl and others give their lives to Christ knowing that we now get to share all of eternity with them. What an indescribable blessing!!

Monica being baptised by Pastor Jorge!

Monica with her mother and 3 younger sisters after her baptism.
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Hello, my name is Richard Cobb and I serve as the Intl. CR Dir. as of this past October. I was doing a Google search of CR’s Guatemala and your blog came up. First off, Awesome to The Lord who knows better then ourselves what makes us happy and thank you for pouring yourself into these ladies. Can you email me with the church, city ect that you are serving. I want to connect.
Richardcobb@decaturbaptist.org or richardocobb@icloud.com